
T-MED protocols have been designed for Supplements and Food Based Products where no previous studies have been conducted.

Assessing a True Minimum Effective Dose is a critical part of the product development puzzle. It is also well known that lower doses can have the same effect or better than higher doses.

A True Mimimum Effective Dose will reduce costs and potential side effects.

Mitochondria are the cells' "powerhouse" that produces the ubiquitous energy currency (ATP) by consuming oxygen, producing water and building up the proton motive force. Oxygen consumption is a classical means of assessing energy expenditure, one component of energy balance.

Mitochondrial activity plays a central role in many metabolic tasks. Our Energy Protocols are designed to correlate the mechanisms of action for your supplements intended to increase energy, in regards to the mitochondrial function.

If your product is designed to help manage diabetes, the DB protocols can demonstrate the Glucose Control Mechanisms of your product, giving you and your clients a clear image of its potential benefits.

Our DB protocols are designed and structured to help you find both, Acute and Extended benefits, with the advantage of adapting to your product's needs.

NCI is revolutionizing longevity-enhancing research in nutraceuticals with biomarker based SIRT AGING protocols with valuable biomarker data. We provide the most comprehensive aging discovery arrays and hormonal profiles.

Studies have shown that changes in hormone level can be detected years prior to accelerated aging. A complete panel of Blood Targets and Biomarkers including MPO/Chlorination, SIRT1/mTOR are employed to test acute or extended treatment products.

Using the most advanced technology NCI brings OA Imaging based protocols, biomarkers and subjective measurements such as WOMAC ® and other VAS questionnaires. OA Protocols will help you to define the role of your product in relieving pain and inflammation due to Osteoarthritis.

If your product is intended to improve full use of joints, take advantage of the OA studies to elucidate your supplement benefits.

Put your product to the test using our new VO2Max protocols. These protocols are designed to measure accurately the benefit of supplements created to improve performance for many disciplines like running, cycling, rowing, swimming etc.

Using real athletes with specific VO2Max scores and State of the Art facilities your product will now have validated data for Aerobic Threshold (AeT), Anaerobic Threshold (AT) and VO2Max testing.

Any client with supplements intended to manage obesity, will find in our OB protocols the most accurate biomarker solution to elucidate the potential benefits for their products designed to suppress appetite or manage weight loss.

Clients can find a broad range of selective criteria for every specific product. Complete routine analysis are performed on each study and more complex analysis can be selected according to the nature of the product.

Although the task of cognitive neuroscience is to describe how the brain creates the mind, historically it has progressed by investigating how a certain area of the brain supports a given mental faculty. In other words, for most of its history, the biggest question of cognitive neuroscience was "Where?".

Combining neuroscience and its technologies with cognitive science and its entire interdisciplinary field, we're able to bring you protocols designed to assess intelligence and brain function and to define the mechanism of action of any supplement intended to improve those factors.

Complex and accurate CT protocols are used in extended studies to measure sinusitis.

We employ CT Scans to evaluate these class of supplements.

Imaging is now an active component when measuring acute and chronic sinusitis. We use this and other objective methods such as biomarkers and blood targets to bring value to your product by finding its range of effectiveness.